Dr. Landau utilizes his unique approach to treat medical problems as well as to optimize the health of dogs. He is able to draw upon his knowledge of chiropractic, acupuncture, applied kinesiology, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, and low level laser therapy. Dr. Landau’s approach is particularly helpful in improving the quality of life of geriatric dogs as well as younger animals with chronic diseases. He also has success treating skin allergies, neurological problems, and orthopedic pain due to dysplasia, arthritis, and traumatic injuries. Dr. Landau provides preventive and wellness visits which include chiropractic, acupuncture, and clinical nutrition to keep dogs healthy and to ensure performance dogs are at their best for training and competition.
Click here to learn more about chiropractic services.
To learn more about acupuncture, click here.
For more information on applied kinesiology click here.
We are the Pioneer Valley’s Only All-Holistic Veterinary Practice, Utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture & Herbal Remedies), Chiropractic, and Nutrition.
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Landau Veterinary Services
40 Daniel Shays Highway,
Belchertown, MA 01007
Phone: 413-323-6055
Fax: 413-323-6051
Our Hours:
Monday 9-4 in office
Wednesday 9-12 in office
Friday 9-4 in office
Tuesday 9-4 Horse travel day
Thursday 9-4 Horse Travel day